Thursday, 29 January 2009

OK, you can all breathe again now

I do realise the slightly pointless nature of telling you that our website is now up and running as that's probably how and why 99.99% per cent of the people reading this have come to view this page. However, there are a few who come to it from Gary Bridgeman's iTravel blog (see the link elsewhere on this page) so this is more or less for them (or you, if you are one of "them").

Anyway, after months of frustration, elation, mitigation, rumination and cogitation, we now have a great new website that we're really proud of. Basically, it's everything you liked about our old site plus a hundred and one other things that have significantly improved it. And it's still black. That was one of my requirements. Not too many photos of me (there are three in the main site and 27 in the online magazines, so sorry about that) and it must stay black. I know what people say about black websites but they are wrong and that's that. I'm having a blunt day.

I'll post something else tomorrow that won't mention our new site at all. Honest.

KB, H3BHQ, Wallington

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